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Showing posts from November, 2011

Difference between XML Serialization and Binary Serialization

XML Serialization Binary Serialization (Soap) No need of Serializable attribute on the class Need Serializable attribute Only public members are serialized All members are serializes unless specified as NonSerializable Class should have default public constructor and class itself should have public access. No need of default constructor or public access Namespace: System.XML,Serialization Namespace: System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatteres.Binary (.Soap) Outputfile is XML Outputfile is Binary or XML for SOAP formatter XMLSerializer need type of object to be serialized or deserialized No need to specify type of object to be serialized or deserialized. Support only IDesrializationCallback interface. No support for binary events. Binaryformatter support binary events. Soap formatter supports only IDeserializationCallback interface

Searching Unicode characters in Oracle table

Oracle implementation of Regular expression has no support for using hexadecimal code to search for Unicode characters. The only way to search for Unicode character is it use the character itself. Normally with Regular expression, you can use \x or \u followed by hexadecimal code to search for any character. E.g. \x20 will match space. But REGEXP_LIKE in Oracle does not support \x. You need to use unistr function to convert the code to equivalent character and then use it with REGEXP_LIKE. E.g. REGEXP_LIKE(source,'[' ||unistr('\0020')|| ']');