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Showing posts from November, 2014

How to handle different namespace between serialization and deserialization

Consider this scenario: You have a web service with entries in a namespace Company.Business.Entities You have matching entities on the client side in a namespace Company.Client.Entities You want to simply serialize the Business Entity, transfer over the wire and deserialize  into client enetites. Problem!!!! you can't as the namespace is not same. Solution Put a namespace attribute on each client side and server side entity. e.g. [ DataContract (Namespace  =   "" )] The problem with this is that you will have to add this to each and every entity.     2. Option 2 and probably better is to use assembly attribute in assemblyinfo.cs [ assembly :  ContractNamespace ( "http:// " , ClrNamespace  =   "Company.Client.Entities" )] Add this to both, client and Business entities. Remember to update ClrNamespace and runtime will create correct namesp

How not to do Stand ups?

So what is a stand up in a Scrum? A stand up is basically a Scrum event, where the whole Scrum team gets together each morning to answer three questions: 1. What I did yesterday? 2. What I am working on today? 3. Are there any impediments? That's it! Team will usually stand up in a circle, if possible near the Kanban board. So what are the things that can go wrong here? Most of the teams replace project meetings with stand up and these often become lengthy discussion meetings. The team start discussing issues, design solutions, weather, coffee from the machine, pets etc..... The team looks and reports to the Scrum Master or team lead. Often the team see this a status reporting meeting. The time and place of  the stand up keeps changing. If the Scrum Master is not available, the team is lost on who will conduct the stand up and whom to report to. So what can we do to address this? The Scrum Master should coach the team to stick to above three questions. The