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Showing posts from October, 2018

Closure and Captured variables

Here is a sample code. Can you guess what the output would be ? public static class TasksExample { public static void Execute() { Task[] tasks = new Task[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => CalculateResult(i)); } Task.WaitAll(tasks); //ask.Wait(); //Console.WriteLine(tasks[i].Result); Console.WriteLine("Next work..."); } public static int CalculateResult(int i) { Console.WriteLine($"work starting {i}"); Thread.Sleep(10000); Console.WriteLine($"Completed work {i}"); return 100; } } Pat yourself if your answer was like this work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 work starting 10 Completed