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Showing posts from December, 2011

The Project Location is Not Trusted Dialog Box

Often due to backup issues, our desktop profile is setup to store all profile details (including documents) on  a share location. The benefit of this is two fold 1. It gives you roaming profile. You can logic from any desktop or even remotely, and you have access to all your personal documents 2. All your personal documents are backed up on a shared server. So if your desktop crashes or your laptop is stolen, still you have all your documents on the shared server. However as a developer using Visual Studio to develop web application, this presents some problems. By default the security policy on windows doesn't trust the files on a network share. So when you create or open a project from your My Documents/My Projects folder, Visual studio shows "The Project Location is Not Trusted" Dialog Box. Even worse if you try to debug the web application stored on a network share, you get an exception "An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monit

No SQL Databases

Recentely there has been lot of discussion about No SQL databases. Some see it as alternate to SQL database which means writing no SQL to query the database Hence No SQL. Another camp is opinion it is 'Not Only SQL' which basically means you can query the database in more than one way. These databases are also know as Document Databases as the data is stored as Documents (serialised as JSON objects) . There are three main leading open source Document databases MongoDB - / RavenDB - CouchDB - Update: fourth contender, Amazon Simple DB : RavenDB and CouchDB stores data as JSON objects while MongoDB uses a twist and stored data as Binary JSON (BSON) objects. Mostly the data is queries either through RestFUL API's using HTTP or through TCP/IP. These databases also support Indexes and Transactions. For transaction critical applications like banking or realtime syst