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How to test Mobile Web Application locally

Recently I started building a mobile Web application. Now I wanted to test how it looks on a mobile device like an iPhone or Windows phone browser. One option was to use simulator or change user agents in browsers on PC. You can easily do this with Developers tools in Firefox.

Another option is to setup you application as a website in local IIS. If you are running IIS on Windows 7, start IIS Manager and create a new site. Point this site to your local web application folder. Now add a binding to point local IP address of you machine (e.g. to your web application. You can option local IP address by typing ipconfig on your command prompt.

Now connect a mobile device to your local network over wifi. Try typing the local IP address of you machine in the browser. If you get message that page cannot be displayed, chances are that the firewall on your local machine is blocking incoming http request.

To fix this, start Firewall on you machine and add a new incoming rule to allow http traffic on port 80. You can restrict the access by device.

Refresh your browser on you mobile device and hey presto, you can test you local application on your mobile now.


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