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Why there is semicolon at the start of a JavaScript function?

Very often while reviewing the code for my team, I will come across a semicolon at the start of JavaScript function as show below
(function () {
    'use strict';
...and I often wondered what purpose it served.

Guess what. It is an insurance to make sure your script works fine when all other scripts are merged together; 

The leading ; in front of immediately-invoked function expressions (iffe) is there to prevent errors when appending the file during concatenation to a file containing an expression not properly terminated with a ;.

So there you go. Now you know what that little semicolon is doing there in your code.


Unknown said…

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Haritha said…
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debugguru said…
Thanks @Satya, @Haritha and @Kalpu for the comments. Glad my blog is helping

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